TEMPO 2025
A Modern Conference
April 25-26th, 2025 in Washington, D.C.

Friday, April 25th
12:00 |
Coffee and Conference Registration outside New North 204 |
12:30 | Plenary: Shepherd on Mathematics, , Union College |
2:00 | NN 311: "On Two Assumptions About Shepherd's Defense of the Causal Principle," , University of Massachusetts Dartmouth NN 204: "Gabrielle Suchon on Women's Right to the Pursuit of Knowledge," , Assumption University |
3:00 | NN 311: "A New Conceptualist Picture of Kant's Account of Empirical Intuitions," , University of Wisconsin, Madison NN 204: "John Stuart Mill and Existentialism," , Govt. Zamindar Postgraduate College, Gujrat |
4:00 | NN 311: "Kant on the Formality of the 'I think'," , The University of Chicago NN 204: "Reason and Resistance in Sor Juana," , Grand Valley State University |
5:00 | Plenary: Kant, Epistemic Dependence, and the Politics of Knowledge Production, , Georgetown University |
6:30 |
Social time! |
Saturday, April 26th
9:30 | Plenary: Time, Mutability, and Punishment in Conway, , University of California, Davis |
11:00 | ON 205: "Samuel Clarke Against the Emergence of Consciousness," , University of Michigan NN 204: "The Metaphysics of Happiness in Descartes and Mullā Sadrā," , Boston University |
12:00 |
NN 204: Lunch Break and TEMPO Business Meeting |
1:30 | ON 205: "Humean Philosophy of Science," , Georgetown University NN 204: "Astell, Wollstonecraft, and Marinella on Beautification ," , McMaster University |
2:30 | ON 205: "Leibniz's Perspectiva Analogy," , Bucknell University NN 204: "Marriage as Microcosm: Anglo-American Women Philosophers' Political Theorizing," , McMaster University |
3:30 | ON 205: "Hobbes on Power Estimation and the Passions of the Mind," , Yale University NN 204: "Cleanthes' Naturally Propagating Books and Borges' Library of Babel," , San Francisco State University |
4:30 | Keynote Address: Cavendish (and Aristotle and Augustine but not Hobbes) on Virtue, , University of Southampton |
6:00 |
Closing remarks and social time! |