TEMPO 2025

A Modern Conference

April 25-26th, 2025 in Washington, D.C.


Modern Philosophers arrayed above a night-time shot of the reflecting pool at the Jefferson Memorial


Friday, April 25th
Friday's talks are in New North 311 and New North 204.
Friday's plenaries are all in New North 311.


Coffee and Conference Registration outside New North 204


Plenary: Shepherd on Mathematics, Maité Cruz, Union College


NN 311: "On Two Assumptions About Shepherd's Defense of the Causal Principle," Keota Fields, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

NN 204: "Gabrielle Suchon on Women's Right to the Pursuit of Knowledge," Margaret Matthews, Assumption University


NN 311: "A New Conceptualist Picture of Kant's Account of Empirical Intuitions," Emmaline Secada, University of Wisconsin, Madison

NN 204: "John Stuart Mill and Existentialism," Usman Mehboob, Govt. Zamindar Postgraduate College, Gujrat


NN 311: "Kant on the Formality of the 'I think'," Michael Powell, The University of Chicago

NN 204: "Reason and Resistance in Sor Juana," Areins Pelayo, Grand Valley State University


Plenary: Kant, Epistemic Dependence, and the Politics of Knowledge Production, Huaping Lu-Adler, Georgetown University


Social time!


Saturday, April 26th
Saturday's talks are in Old North 205 and New North 204.
Saturday's plenaries are all in Old North 205.


Plenary: Time, Mutability, and Punishment in Conway, Alejandro Naranjo Sandoval, University of California, Davis


ON 205: "Samuel Clarke Against the Emergence of Consciousness," Sean Costello, University of Michigan

NN 204: "The Metaphysics of Happiness in Descartes and Mullā Sadrā," Jaleel Fotovat-Ahmadi, Boston University


NN 204: Lunch Break and TEMPO Business Meeting


ON 205: "Humean Philosophy of Science," James Mattingly, Georgetown University

NN 204: "Astell, Wollstonecraft, and Marinella on Beautification ," Tyra Lennie, McMaster University


ON 205: "Leibniz's Perspectiva Analogy," Jen Nguyen, Bucknell University

NN 204: "Marriage as Microcosm: Anglo-American Women Philosophers' Political Theorizing," Allauren Samantha Forbes, McMaster University


ON 205: "Hobbes on Power Estimation and the Passions of the Mind," Claudia Dumitru, Yale University

NN 204: "Cleanthes' Naturally Propagating Books and Borges' Library of Babel," David Landy, San Francisco State University


Keynote Address: Cavendish (and Aristotle and Augustine but not Hobbes) on Virtue, Daniel Whiting, University of Southampton


Closing remarks and social time!


Please contact our Program Committee Chair for 2025 with any questions.


Image "Lincoln Memorial (8)" by Erich Robert Joli Weber is used here under CC BY-SA 3.0 ATTRIBUTION-SHAREALIKE 3.0 UNPORTED license. Picture is modified, with other images are composited atop it.